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2024 ACPA Board of Directors



Leryn Messori, PhD

The President shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of ACPA and shall preside over all regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Council (Chairs), and over general membership meetings. The President shall recommend all committee chairpersons with the help and approval of the Board of Directors. The President shall represent ACPA and the profession at large including at the yearly CPA Conference, Lobby Day, and any other public facing responsibilities to represent ACPA. The President is responsible for the annual report to CPA and the updates for the CPA quarterly newsletter. The President is expected to attend bi-monthly or special meeting with CPA and other Division Presidents for insight, advice, and support.


The office has a four year term total: 1 year as President Elect; 2 years as President, and 1 year as Past-President. 


Eric Samuels, PsyD

The immediate Past-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and President-Elect. They will also be responsible for the Nominations, Elections, and Awards Committee. Should the Past-President choose, they may also chair a committee should there be a vacancy in that position.


This office has a one to two year term depending on when the President-Elect is voted into the Board of Directors. 


Mauricio Lask, PsyD

The President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the latter. In the case of resignation or death of the President, the President-Elect shall become President. They shall serve as ex-officio on all standing committees. Should the President-Elect choose, they may also take on the chair position of a committee should that committee have a vacancy. The President-Elect is expected to meet regularly with the President for guidance in taking over the role and understanding the responsibilities therein. The President will be reimbursed for expenses incurred to attend CPA events such as the yearly conference and Lobby Day to reduce barriers to the President representing the association. This budget shall not exceed


This office has a one to two year term depending on when the President-Elect is voted into the Board of Directors. 


Rebecca Good, PsyD


The Secretary shall record minutes of all Board Meetings and distribute these minutes to the Membership at Large. They are the custodians of all previous Board of Directors meeting minutes and establishing the quorum at the start of each Board Meeting.


The Secretary shall be elected for a two-year term.  


Robert Lim, PhD

The Treasurer shall be the custodian of ACPA funds. They shall chair the Finance Committee, should one be created during any year, to review prepared budgets from all Board of Directors committees or positions. They shall present a statement of ACPA’s financial status at all Board Meetings. After the annual audit and Board approval, they shall present an annual report of the financial standing of ACPA to the membership and to CPA. The Treasurer’s responsibilities shall also include filing the taxes on behalf of ACPA as a non-profit organization. The Treasurer is also responsible for taking a vote of the Board of Directors for any budget overages that exceed $300.00 from the proposed budget.


The Treasurer shall be elected for a two-year term. 

2024 ACPA Committee Chairs


Colleague Awareness Resource & Education Program (CARE) Chair

Amanda Starr, PsyD

The psychology profession has recognized the need to encourage the use of rehabilitative mechanisms for those of its members who may experience behavioral, cognitive, emotional, and/or substance-related distress. The CARE chair provides education and access to referrals, and increases awareness of diversity, compassion fatigue, secondary traumatization, prevention, and early intervention amongst the members. 

Continuing Professional Development Chair

Jim Spira, PhD

The Continuing Professional Development Chair strives to offer high quality programming throughout the year to our members that meets the requirements for Continuing Professional Development. Please contact them directly if you are interested in sharing a presentation or would like to request a presentation on a certain topic. 

Disaster Response Network (DRN)


The Disaster Response Network (DRN) is a national network of approximately 2500 volunteer psychologists with training in disaster response who offer volunteer assistance to relief workers, survivors, and victims’ families after man-made or natural disasters. The DRN is a collaboration between the American Psychological Association and the American Red Cross.

Diversity Chair

Veronica Orozco, PhD

The Diversity Chair coordinates education and training, as well as raises awareness, about diversity and social justice. They provide input about diversity topics for workshops, develop ties with other chapters and organizations dedicated to diversity issues, and work to increase the diversity of ACPA’s membership.

Early Career Chair

Roni Khol, PsyD

The Early Career Chair provides resources for Early Career Psychologists, including networking events, referrals to resources, and answers to commonly-asked questions.


Ethics & Professional Affairs Chair

Mauricio Lask, PsyD

The Ethics and Professional Affairs Chair educates and advises ACPA members on professional and ethics issues regarding the practice of psychology. The chair consults with the ACPA Board on issues pertaining to ethics and professional affairs and assists in planning CPD events focused on ethics. 

Graduate Student Representatives

Alisha Ahmed, Wright

Bryanna Kaufmann, Wright

Clare Brinkman, Wright

Jen Emmett, Wright

Kaitlyn Buehler, Wright

Raquel Navarro Gonzalez, Wright

Rikki Baltes, Wright

Veronica Dise-Hodge, Alliant

The Graduate Student Representatives seek to increase student involvement, create relevant opportunities for graduate students to develop professionally, allow graduate students to network with the local psychology community, and engage and support the local student community.

Disaster Response Network (DRN)


The Disaster Response Network (DRN) is a national network of approximately 2500 volunteer psychologists with training in disaster response who offer volunteer assistance to relief workers, survivors, and victims’ families after man-made or natural disasters. The DRN is a collaboration between the American Psychological Association and the American Red Cross.

Local Advocacy Network (LAN) Chair

Eric Samuels, PsyD

The Local Advocacy Network (LAN) Chair connects the California Psychological Association’s (CPA) grassroots advocacy network to Alameda County. The LAN Representative connects ACPA with the important legislative information and advocacy that CPA engages in and encourages ACPA members to be involved with CPA’s advocacy efforts. 

Membership Chair

Matthew Daube, PsyD

The Membership Chair welcomes and answers questions from new ACPA members, explains their benefits, and works to recruit and build the community. 


Publications Chair


The Publications Chair creates a quarterly newsletter that highlights psychologists in Alameda County, shares about upcoming networking and training opportunities, and shares resources for the community. 

Alameda County Psychological Association
4200 Park Blvd., #200
Oakland, CA 94602
(510) 433-9580