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ACPA Awards & Nominations

Published on 10/23/2023

Hi ACPA Membership,


Attached are the descriptions for the awards (some with financial means) for the 2023 ACPA year. They will be announced at our holiday party that we are currently planning.


Please read through and send any nominations for the awards to myself by November 17. You can self-nominate as well.


Mark your calendars, we are tentatively scheduling the ACPA Holiday Party on December 10!


Warm Regards,


Leryn Messori, PsyD

Staff Psychologist





Janet Hurwich Award for Leadership and Advocacy (JHALA) Description:

The JHALA is intended to recognize and honor an ACPA member who has promoted leadership and advocacy on behalf of the profession of psychology and the communities we serve. The recipient should embody the spirit of Dr. Janet Hurwich, a long time ACPA member who has championed the needs of marginalized populations such as immigrant and LGBT communities through service, advocacy, and leadership. Examples of leadership and advocacy include organizing psychologists and students to attend the annual CPA Leadership & Advocacy Conference in Sacramento, participating/organizing for the CPAGS Leadership & Advocacy Conference, working with legislators and/or developing initiatives through the ACPA Local Advocacy Network, working/volunteering in the community with marginalized communities or promoting leadership and advocacy for psychology in other important ways. Recipients will be recognized at the annual ACPA holiday reception in December.


Current ACPA member. Graduate students and early career psychologists are also eligible for this award.

How to Apply:

Please submit the following materials by November 17, 2023 to:

• Nomination letter – self nominations are welcomed

• Curriculum Vitae


ACPA Community Leadership Award (ACPA–CLA) Description:

This award is intended to recognize and honor a community member or organization who has championed mental health and wellness through their community activities, initiatives, and organization. Recipients will be awarded $1000 and will be recognized at the annual ACPA holiday reception in December.


Any community member or organization working on behalf of Alameda County residents.

How to Apply:

Please submit the following materials by November 17, 2023 to:

• Nomination letter – from ACPA members or community at-large

Review Criteria:

Completed applications will be reviewed by ACPA board members and related subcommittee. Priority will be given to community leaders whose work promotes social justice for marginalized and underserved communities.


ACPA Graduate Student Dissertation Award (ACPA–GSDA) Description:

The ACPA– GSDA is aimed at supporting graduate student dissertation research that promotes Multicultural issues and social justice. Examples include topics such as understanding experiences of children with disabilities and their families navigating the school system; mental health implication for police violence; culturally competent trauma-informed intervention for incarcerated youth; identify development for lesbian, queer and questioning women of color.

Students must have minimally completed their dissertation proposal defense. Completed dissertations are also eligible. Recipients will be awarded $500 and will be recognized at the annual ACPA holiday reception in December.


(a) Current graduate student member of ACPA and

(b) Current graduate student enrolled full-time in a Clinical Psychology doctoral program.

How to Apply:

Please submit the following materials by November 17, 2023 to Leryn Messori at

• Cover letter

• Curriculum Vitae

• Copy of the dissertation research

• Letter of recommendation from dissertation faculty/academic advisor

Completed applications will be reviewed by ACPA board members and related subcommittee. Priority will be given to the dissertation research that not only reflects rigor and excellence, but as well, one that clearly outlines potential for practice and application in promoting multiculturalism and social justice.


Alameda County Psychological Association
4200 Park Blvd., #200
Oakland, CA 94602
(510) 433-9580